
Leopard keyboard problem (solved?)

Interesting; Now and then, since upgrading the Leopard, the keyboard becomes unresponsive - no reaction at all.

Update 2 (prev in comments): Apple released MacBook, MacBook Pro Software Update 1.1 today; just installed so confirmation to come...

No idea what the problem is (and 10.5.1 does not solve it) though here are some workarounds I've found:

- Sleep, wait at least 30 seconds, wake.
- Press the option key five times in a row. Or the shift key. Then try a key. If not yet, try again.

Pressing the option or shift key, five times in a row may be total voodoo, though it does appear to work; it occurred to me by accident, though those are actually defined key sequences: the shift variation turns on "Sticky Keys"; option is for "Mouse Keys". (See the Universal Access preference pane for more info.)

And since they can change how the keyboard input is interpreted, it may indeed kick something back into gear.

Also: Here's a hint to tell if the keyboard is responding: Press "Caps Lock"; you'll either see its light go on or not; immediate feedback, without wondering.

(I've also seen, though only a few times, the mouse cursor get _very_ confused; maybe a strange USB gremlin has crept in.)

BTW: Fire up the "International" preference pane, click the "Input Menu" tab and check "Keyboard Viewer". (Or if it is already checked, check the "Show input menu in menu bar" item at the bottom.) Now select "Keyboard Viewer" from the international menu (which uses an icon of the flag of the localization you're using) and you've got keyboard input by way of the mouse/trackpad; handy when the keyboard isn't working. :)

1 comment:

Marcantonio Rendino said...

Update: Found a few good hints:
- Comment 22: hold a key down for abt 10 secs (seems to work)
- comment 18: "it's a Finder bug"?

Apropos the 2nd suggestion, it's interesting to note that if you quit Finder, it comes back on its own; maybe via launchd?