
Script to notify if any outdated MacPorts

Updated version here.


Add the script below as a cron job and it'll notify* you if you have any outdated MacPorts.

*Presuming you're configured to have cron job output emailed to you, it'll notify by email. If you have growl installed, it growl at you too. Lastly, it logs to /var/log (which probably requires creating that log file first).

(Updated for recent tweaks.)


# 20071110 mvgfr: check for outdated macports & notify if any - via growl & stdout (emailed when cron'd)
# 20080209 mvgfr: must run sync before, so it can learn about updates!
# also added "-H localhost" workaround for growl Leopard bug (ignores some)

# may take awhile; is this an issue?
/opt/local/bin/port sync

potentialOutput=`/opt/local/bin/port outdated`

if [ "$potentialOutput" != "No installed ports are outdated." ] ; then
echo "$potentialOutput"
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/growlnotify ]; then
/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -H localhost -s -m "macports: $potentialOutput"

echo "`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`: $potentialOutput" >> /var/log/port-outdated.log


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