
Unable to get IntelliJ to successfully use BBEdit as an External Editor?

Here's what I saw, after I set that up in IntelliJ:

You must allow `bbedit` to send events to the BBEdit application.

Use `tccutil reset AppleEvents` to reset the system's permissions, and try again.

bbedit: error: -1743

I don't want to "reset the system's permissions", even if only for AppleEvents.

So here's what I did instead:
  1. Within IntelliJ, open a Terminal pane / tab.
  2. At that terminal prompt, paste something like this:
    • osascript -e 'tell application "BBEdit" to set position of every window to {0, 44}'
      • (Yes that's ugly - it was a handy "innocuous" AppleEvent -- which did the job.)
    • And execute it. (ex: Press Return.)
  3. Click "OK" to allow IntelliJ to send AppleEvents to BBEdit.

To see the effect this has had:
  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Select Security & Privacy.
  3. Scroll down & select Automation.
  4. IntelliJ is now listed, with the permission to control the BBEdit app.
    • Which you also have likely also allowed, for the Terminal app.

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