
Login freezes in the Finder, at the Spotlight icon?

sudo bash -c 'rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.ATS* /Library/Caches/com.apple.ATS/* /System/Library/Caches/fontTablesAnnex; shutdown -r now'

# must be on a single line
# I just tweaked it a bit; credit to the Russian Bear :)


Anonymous said...

I have tried this remotely through ARD and locally in terminal. It does not appear to force the spotlight to rebuild.

I would like to be able to force the Spotlight to delete and re index remotely through ARD.

Any ideas

Marcantonio Rendino said...

Right; this code simply gets past the login hang, which happens to be right after the Spotlight icon is drawn - it has nothing to do with Spotlight itself.

To force Spotlight to reindex ⟨path⟩ use:

mdimport ⟨path⟩