
Get an ID card or we'll shoot you

Should be interesting to see what this sort of thing yields - even in a war zone.

Probably a good boundary condition for the general case...

Super HiRes photos

Not really a huge shock for photographers, but a big one for the digital folks. :)

Lise, Damned Lies, and Statistics (Disraeli)

No matter which side you're on, a quite humourous dip into stats. :)


Home tech support

PowerBook video issues

Having a wierd problem with a PowerBook G4/12" and a ViewSonic PJ350:

Suddenly can't get video over the projector (same equip has worked well in the past) - but the PowerBook thinks it's sending video that way, since it has moved the primary output over to that, so all that's on the built-in LCD, is blank desktop and a moving cursor. Removing the video adapter from the PowerBook causes it to switch back to the LCD, so it's not a hang/crash.

Not sure what the fix is yet, but found some great resources/info at SFSU AV:

Portable Mirroring Activation Chart.
PB G4 mirroring tips.
AV Tutorials and Hints.

and the best collection I've seen, of magic Mac key combos.